How To Manage Your Time EFFICIENTLY And EFFECTIVELY As A Home Based Entrepreneur

How To Manage Your Time EFFICIENTLY And EFFECTIVELY As A Home Based Entrepreneur
By []Rex Vincent

I consider efficient management of time as one of the most important aspects of what I call the Business Management Success Matrix. The ability to manage time efficiently and effectively will help the home based Entrepreneur achieve his/her goals faster.

Each workday presents its challenges. If you can anticipate and prepare in advance for these challenges, through the process of Environmental Scanning, you can stay ahead of the competition.

In my years as a Management Trainer, I've devised ways of managing my time most effectively and efficiently.

The Billionaires of today and the Laborers on the street have the same 24 hours in a day. Whatever you do with the 24 hours is a matter of individual taste.

Don't get me wrong here - I'm only trying to reinforce my belief that efficient and effective management of time is essential to home business success.

Below are my suggestions for more efficient and effective time management:

Wake Up Early And Start Your Day

Make it a habit to get up early every day, go through your exercise routine and listen to latest news on trends in your niche/sector.

This gives you a head start for the day. You are psychologically primed to take on the activities of the day with the right mind set.

Plan Your Day Ahead/ Create A Daily "To Do" List

Prepare today for the tasks you intend to tackle tomorrow. Always have a "To do" list

Weight The Tasks In Your "To Do" List

Attach weights to the tasks in your "To do" list according to their importance. List the most important items at the top and ensure you attend to them first before any other thing. This will help you to use your time most efficiently. If you've already identified your most productive time of the day, then you can use this period to attend to the most important tasks.

Ensure that you continue to create time for prospecting for new business and improving customer engagement through social media and other customer relationship management strategies.

Keep A Jotter With You

Using a jotter and pencil to note ideas that come to your mind when you're not at your desk is very important. They help you to harvest ideas that come to you when you least expect them.

Smartphones are also very important. You can send and receive emails while out of your office. With cloud printing, you can also initiate printing from anywhere at any time.

Frequent Breaks Are Very Important

Don't spend too much time working at a stretch. Ensure that you create regular breaks at reasonable intervals.

They will help you to recharge, recreate and review your goals with a fresh perspective.

Segregate Work Time And Family Time

It's important that you create time for work and time for family. This will help you to ensure balance in your schedule while working from home.

You should concentrate on work during work time and give time to the family after working hours.

The family is an important support base for the Entrepreneur operating from home so it must not be neglected.

Work As If You're Still Working In A Corporate Office

Try as much as possible to use your office time for work. You may use your break time to do personal chores. Any office time utilized for personal chores should be recouped.

Remain Focused

While working from home, you may be easily distracted by activities "staring" at you each time you step out of your home office. You must develop the discipline to remember that such distractions can be attended to after working hours. Try as much as possible to maintain balance in your work time and family time except there's an emergency.

Get Part Time Help Or Outsource Routine Tasks

All those tasks you perform daily can be transferred to an assistant or outsourced so you can have more time to run your business.

Activities like filing, answering phone calls, answering emails can be treated in this way. You ensure that only very important issues are left for you to attend to.

Thank you for taking the time to enjoy this post.

Do you have anything more to add? Perhaps I missed out on a point?

Please feel free to send in your thoughts.


Hi, my name is Rex Vincent and I'm the Founder of I'm a serial Entrepreneur and a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises expert.

At, we provide bespoke solutions to challenges faced by Home Based Entrepreneurs.

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Article Source: [] How To Manage Your Time EFFICIENTLY And EFFECTIVELY As A Home Based Entrepreneur

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